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Sharing is Caring...Or Is It?

We know that cheerleading can be an expensive sport and if there’s a way to save money then we’re down with that! However, buying another team’s music mix from them is not a cool way to save those dollars! Let’s explain why…

Music is licensed, not sold. You don’t own the music when you license a track or a mix, the writers and artists or producers still own it.

When a mix is made by your music producer, they charge you a one off fee for use of that mix, typically for one years use solely for use by your team. Each music producer may have different rules so best to check with them first.

When you purchase a license for a song used in the mix, the license is granted per track, per mix and lasts for one year. It will state in your EULA (End User License Agreement) provided to you by either your Music Producer or the licensing company that the track is ‘non-transferable’, this means you can’t put anyone else’s name on the contract or resell your mix without purchasing a new license and without permission from your Music Producer.

If you want to sell your mix on legally, you need to relicense each individual track within the mix and may need an additional license for the voiceovers depending on the terms provided by your music producer or voiceover artist. By not doing so, you are breaching your original contract as well as infringing copyright law.

So, if someone asks if they can buy your old mix from you, or you’re thinking about selling your mix on, remember that you don’t own the music, and ask yourself this: would you hire a car and then sell it on Ebay? Would you rent an apartment and try to sell it? Of course you wouldn’t! Selling your music and the associated licenses on to another team is no different.

We believe that everyone should have access to affordable, properly licensed cheer music that sounds great. ClicknClear was founded because we noticed there wasn’t a solution to license the popular music you love and so we wanted to do something about it. With ClicknClear you can search and download thousands of pre-cleared original tracks directly from the music industry for a small fee of $15 or $25 per track, per mix, per year, and use music with full peace of mind that you have all the rights you need.


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